

Think of the most inspiring story you’ve ever been told. You know the effect it had on you—your heart beating like a taiko drum, your face tight with emotion, a rising conviction that you know what is right, and the confidence that you could do something about it.

Emotion, clarity, conviction, confidence.

Stories are remarkable drivers of human action. They have the power to shape lives, markets, and history itself.

Studies show that one of the key factors to your psychological and emotional health is the ability to craft a coherent and meaningful life narrative. It’s also been proven that brands who focus on story connect better with their audience. This drives greater engagement which leads to sales.

Whether personal or professional, story is key to your life’s pursuits.

Most of us set goals for ourselves and our businesses. We drive towards them trying to get to the next milestone, cobbling together something of a life as we go along.

You might even have a mission statement or a brand identity for yourself or your company, but without a clear grasp of your story, it’s just pixels on a screen, maybe a catchy plaque on your desk or above your couch.

How are people going to find you, buy into you, commit to you if you can’t clearly communicate to them who you are, where you’ve come from, and where you’re going?

That’s where story crafting comes in.


Who am I? My name is Andrew, and I’m a story crafter.

I spent my childhood baptized in the red dirt of Mandeville, Jamaica and my adolescence in the neon morass of Manila, Philippines. Currently, I live in the mountains of Northern Thailand.

I train people and teams in life, media, and brand storytelling. For five years, I’ve taught those seeking meaning and the cutting edge techniques they’ll need to compete in a world where people are straining to hear a good story over all the noise.

I’d love to hear your story, help you find it if you feel like you’ve lost it, and hone it to a razor sharp edge that you can begin using to craft the life and business you’re working so hard to build.